All monies donated go directly to the mission field for the need donated for. None are held back for administrative or other purposes.

We need to be like Joshua, who was Strong and Courageous (Joshua 1:9), and Caleb who was God’s faithful servant, with a positive spirit, and followed God wholeheartedly (Numbers 14:24).
Will you prayerfully consider making a commitment to MEI’s future and be totally committed to helping us reach many countries for Christ?
Please prayerfully consider supporting one or more of our goals each month.
Native language Bibles can be purchased for only $5 each.
The Indian people love to read so we want to put a Bible in every home. Most Hindus and Muslims don’t have a copy of the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita or the Koran, their own religious writings. What a great opportunity to put the Holy Spirit inspired Bible in their homes.
Inside each Bible we past instructions on how to read and understand the 66 books, a page with Scriptures listing where they can read to find comfort in painful and difficult situations and the Scriptures that will lead them to salvation.
Isaiah 55:11 “…so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (NIV)

Establishing House Churches
$25 per month pays for a trained young man to be able to travel, evangelize, and plant house churches.
- Planting and nurturing house churches is cost effective. Land is very expensive and it is hard to get permits. Trained young men travel a few times a week between their jobs for just $25 per month, going from village to village evangelizing, planting churches, and strengthening new house church plants.
- House churches enable us to go to many new villages and reach hundreds more people. This also allows us to mobilize young men who are training for ministry.
- Indians do not have a day of the week off. House churches allow for flexibility when they meet.
Hands-up: Rice to the Rescue
Rice to the Rescue provides funding for rice, the staple food in India. $20 feeds a family of 4 for a month.
- It can be stored for many months and prepared many ways.
- $20 purchases a 50 lb bag of rice, feeding a family of four for a month.
- Funds are kept on hand for emergencies like
- natural disasters
- to help widows or widowers
- to feed a family where the bread winner has been sick or laid off from work
- a single mom abandoned by husband.
MEI is not interested in giving handouts, we desire to give a hand up.
We follow the biblical model of Matthew 6: 33, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these will be added to you.” We believe in helping people who are truly in need without making them dependent on our giving.
To that end We teach biblical principles of tithes and offerings and make it clear that once a person or family is back on their feet, they are to help others in the same way they were blessed.

Children's Ministry
$35 per month sponsors a rescued child, helping to support these children and their foster families till they can get stable. Any amount helps with other children's ministries
The Need
- A of 2010 upwards of one million females in India are aborted or killed annually. This is primarily due to the high cost of a dowry, whereas the son offers financial security to the family. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20879612/
- There are a estimated 11 million plus living in slavery in India today, the bulk being children. Slavory of children includes, forced labor for products, sex trafficked girls (especially for tourism), forced marriage (23% before age 18), organ removal, and conscription to armed groups. https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/country-studies/india/
- In MEI’s experience many families take unwanted children to train stations, airports and other crowded areas and abandon them.
What we do
We used to take children we rescued to a children’s home, but that didn’t work out well. We now do a western style fostering. We find stable Christian homes and help the new foster parents successfully parent these traumatized children.
Sunday School and VBS:
A Sunday School ministry where hundreds of children each week are taught the Bible and participate in dramas, crafts, and music ministry. Many Hindu and Muslim children participate.
RACE: Recreation And Children’s Education
An after school program where we help children with their homework. and allow the kids to participate in recreational sports, promoting positive well-being.
(Our short-term mission trips often are involvoed in the last two ministries.)